Detection of Reaginic Homocytotropic Antibodies in Sera of Buffalos Infected with Fasciola Gigantica.
Hassan M. El-Said
Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Fish diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

The development of specific reaginic IgE-like antibodies in response to natural Fasciola gigantica infection in buffalos was investigated. An immediate (type I) hypersensitivity response was elicited in the skin of infected buffalos in response to intra-dermal injection of antigen prepared from F. gigantica flukes. The specificity of the elicited reaction was indicated by the lack of response to heterologous antigens. Sera of fasciola-infected buffalos passively sensitized skin mast cells of non-infected buffalo recipients, as indicated by the specific elici-tation of homologous passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) in response to fluke antigen. The homocytotropic nature of antibod-ies was demonstrated by the inability of reaginic sera to provoke heterologous PCA in the skin of cattle, donkeys and guinea pigs. Reaginic antibodies were heat-labile and required a latent period of 72 hours for fixation to skin mast cells. The properties of buffalo reaginic antibodies are consistent with properties of IgE of humans and other ruminant species. The immunoprotective role of reaginic IgE against fasciola infection is discussed.

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