Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecules as A Marker of Infection Intensity and Disease Severity in Human Schistosomiasis. Zaghloul W, Rizk H, and El-Shazly A...................................................... (Abstract).
Influence of Fungal Chemotactic Activity on Mononuclear and Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes. MM El-Shikh, AA Abou-Seada, MA Abdel-Nasser and MM Sherif................................................................ (Abstract).
Thermostabilizing Potential of L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt and other Factors Improving The Quality of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Vaccine. Ayad Samia, Mouaz Mohamed, Kamel Nahed, Abdel-Wahab Afaf and Daoud Ahmed.................................................................................................................... (Abstract).
The Efficacy of Gel Immunodiffusion and Fecal Smear Tests for Diagnosis of Ovine Paratuberculosis in Sheep in Saudi Arabia. Alluwaimi A M, Hatem M E and Almousa J M........................................... ..(Abstract).
Hepatitis C Virus and Apoptosis: The Role of Fas (Apo-1/CD95) In Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Related Liver Diseases. Raghda Z Talaat, Desoky E Abou Ammo, Mona A. H. Shehata (Abstract).
Upregulation of
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Interferon-g and Downregulation of Interleukin-10 are Markers of Disease Severity In
Schistosoma mansoni Infection. Maklad S, El-Gendi A, Higazi F, Abdel Raoof M and
El-Sheikh N................................................................................................................. (Abstract).
Early Administration of Praziquantel Treatment in Schistosoma mansoni Infection Has a Downregulating Influence on Fibrogenic Cytokines and Fibrosis. Maklad S, Kassem MA and Sayed El- Ahl S (Abstract).
Hepatic Necroinflammatory Activity in Chronic Hepatitis C: A Positive Relation with Interleukin-12 P70 Production. Ferial El-Kalla, Hala Nosseir, Eman Labah, Eman Essa, Mohamed Zakaria, Enjy Ibrahim and Tarek Ahmad........................................................................................................................................... (Abstract).
The Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of Four Egyptian Snake Venoms. Wahby A. F.,El-Hakim A. M. and Saad A. H. ...................................................................................................................................... (Abstract).
Cell-Associated Virus ELISA For Quantification of Antiviral Antibodies. A.F. Wahby (Abstract).
Antigenic Diversity of Newcastle Disease Viruses Isolated from 52 Breeder and Broiler Flocks in Egypt. Hussein H A, Emara M M, Samy A M and Shalaby M A ................................................................ (Abstract).
Effect of Chronic Exercise Training on Innate Immunity and Neuroendocrine Hormone Levels in Non-Obese and Obese Persons. Mervat A Reda, Mona LA Zamzam and Mervat A Mohamed.................. (Abstract).
Changes in Cellular Cytokine Production Pattern in Different Types of Leprosy. Azza El-Toukhy, Noha Nabil Doghaim, Raghda Zaki Talaat, Amani M. Abou El-Enein, Enayat Badr…............................ (Abstract).