Factors Affecting Pretransplant CD4+
Cell Response Type In Kidney Allograft Recipients. Medhat Zaki, Mohamed Sherif, Mustafa El-Mishad,
Ahmed A. Hassan, Iman Gawish, and Rasha Khalil....... Abstract
b2-Microglobulin and Cryoglobulins In Hepatitis B andC Virus Infected Blood Donors. Amina
El-Sayed Hussein, Samia El-Sharkawy, Nadia Sadek and Eglal El-Sherbini............................................... Abstract
Bcl-2 Oncoprotein as a Determinant to
Apoptosis in Uterine Myoma. ....................................... Abstract
Differences In Th1/Th2
Cytokine Profiles in Ulcerative Colitis And Crohn’s Disease. Nahed
Baddour and Mohamed Tamer Afifi........................................................................................................................................ Abstract
Determination of Cytotoxic Activity of
TNF-? Using Colourimetric Microassay and Electron Microscopy. Gamal
E. Eid and Sameh E. El-Shewemi.................................................................. Abstract
Serum Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptors
and Interleukin-2 in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. M
Hafez, S Hawas, MF EL-Batouty, Z EL-Morsy, A Mansour, H AL-Marsafawy, and B
EL-Deek.............. .Abstract
Cytokine Gene Expression In Rheumatic
Fever. M Hafez, Z EL-Morsy, F EL-Shennawy, S Hawas, A
Sheishaa, H AL-Marsafawy, M Abo-EL-Kheir, M Shokeir, T EL-Desoky, B EL-Deek, G
Atia and G EL-Bakary. .............................................................................................................................................. Abstract
Apoptosis and Tumour Necrosis Factor in
Children with Hodgkin’s Disease. Ahmed K Mansour, Samia Hawas,
Medhat M Ali, Basem El deeke & Eman El-Nashar........................................................ Abstract
Role of Staphylococcus Aureus
Superantigens In The Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis. Zaghloul
W, Abdel-Khabir A and El -Sohafy M.................................................................................................................... Abstract
Anti-Adult Worm Antibodies From
Irradiated Cercariae-Immunized Rabbits Passively Transfer Immunity To Schistosoma
haematobium-Infected Mice. Sherif H. Abdeen........................................................ Abstract
The Influence of Vitamins E, A, C and
Selenium on The Productive Performance and Immune Response of Arbor Acres
Broiler Chicks. Osama.M. El-Husseiny, N.E. Gohar, A. M. Atta, I. M.
Raslan.......... Abstract
Significance of Platelets Derived Growth
Factor–AB and Nitric Oxide In Newborns Suffering From Perinatal Asphyxia. Naima
Kh. Aly, Sahar S. khatab and Safaa El-Meneza................................................ Abstract
Antiepileptic Therapy in Children:
Effects On IgG Subclasses. Eman Kandil............................ Abstract
Anticardioipin Antibodies and
Interleukin-2 Receptor (Il-2R) In
Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome. Mona H. El-Sayed, Kamal M. Ahmed,
Lobna A. Abou Shamaa and Abdul Aziz H. Ghaleb Abstract