Telomerase Activity In Philadelphia
Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
1Naglaa Abdel Rasoul, 1Nabil Elhalawani,
1Mohammed Hassan A. Nafae, 2Dalal M. Elkaffash, 2Zeinab
Departments of 1Internal
Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
Telomerase is a
specialized type of reverse transcriptase that catalyzes the synthesis and
extension of telomeric DNA. Activation of telomerase and stabilization of
telomeres are considered necessary for immortalization of tumor cells. Chronic
Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is a good example to investigate the reactivation of
telomerase as; after a variable period in chronic phase, CML undergoes further
evolution. The aim of this work is to study telomerase activity in patients
with philadelphia- positive CML and to compare the relative amount
of telomerase activity between chronic phase, accelerated phase and blastic
crisis. The study is conducted on 3 groups. Group I comprised ten newly
diagnosed CML patients in chronic phase; five males and five females their ages
ranged from 24 – 63 years (`C=
44.1±11.2 years). Group II comprised ten patients in acute transformation
(accelerated or blastic crisis phase); seven were males and three were females
their ages ranged from 14 to 63 years (`C=
35.7±16.2 years). Ten healthy subjects comprised the control group III; five
males and five females their ages ranged from14-50 years (`C=
31.8±12.4years). All patients were subjected to thorough history taking and
clinical examination, complete blood picture with differential cell counts,
bone marrow aspiration and/or biopsy, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase scoring
by cytochemistry, immunophenotyping to identify the type of blast crisis,
chromosomal analysis to detect Ph- positive cases, and measurement of
telomerase activity by PCR-ELISA technique. Telomerase activity was highest in
acute transformation with a range of (0.252 – 1.896) and mean of 1.521±0.496, while in chronic phase ranged
between 0.67 and 0.743 with a mean of 0.305± 0.109 and in normal controls the
range was 0.45 to 0.195 with a mean of 0.102±0.048. The difference between
groups was statistically significant. No correlation was found between the
activity of the telomerase and hemoglobin, platelet, leucocyte counts, percentage
of peripheral blood, bone marrow blasts, basophils, bone marrow cellularity, the type of crisis as well as leucocyte alkaline phosphatase
scoring. In conclusion; The increased level of
telomerase activity as noticed in the different stages of CML indicates its
association with disease progression and can be used as a useful marker for
evaluating development of the course.